What are the benefits of RITHS Qualifications?
1. Financial Benefits: If you pursue your studies in UK for the entire B.Eng. (Bachelor of Engineering) degree program or BBA program, you have to pay minimum GBP 15000 every year to the University plus your ‘food and accommodation’ charges of GBP 5000 per year. So to complete a bachelor degree from UK after your Plus2, you required to pay minimum GBP 45,000 on tuition fees and GBP 15,000 on living expenses. (Approximately Rs.60 Lakhs) With RITHS Qualifications, you can enter direct final year of your degree program and need to pay only one year tuition fee and one year living expenses. (You save Rs.40 lakhs).
NB: The expenses calculated above is your total expenses, not considering your income by way of Part-Time jobs and your earnings from 2 year PSW Work Visa.
2. Academic: There is no guarantee that you are going to pass all subjects at the UK University on time. If you fail in some subjects, then you have to wait till next semester to give exams, then your living expenses in UK will go high. At RITHS, you study in India and your tuition fees are very low. If you fail, you can appear our On-demand exams and there is no lose of time.
3. Global Recognition: With a UK University degree, your qualification is recognized globally. RITHS Higher Diploma is recognized for direct final year entry in selected universities in UK,Singapore and Europe.
How do I study for the RITHS qualifications?
RITHS have Main Campus in Trivandrum and study centers at several cities in India. You can register and study here.
Do RITHS have distance learning programs?
Yes, Regular and distance learning programs are available.
Am I eligible for any Exemptions from RITHS Examinations?
If you hold a qualification from another professional body or University which is very similar in content and level to the RITHS qualification, you could qualify for an exemption from some of the RITHS Higher Diploma examination. Please forward a copy of your qualification to the Registrar (verify@riths.com), who will be able to advise you further. We accept academic credits from all Indian Universities and UK awarding bodies.
After obtaining RITHS Higher Diploma, can you assure Direct Final Year Entry at UK Universities?
Yes, its’ guaranteed. RITHS Higher Diploma holders can enter direct final year at our partner universities only. RITHS will provide you free UK University admission service, free unlimited advice on your Visa application, Airport Pick-up and accommodation services in collaboration with the UK university or Foreign universities in other destinations, unlimited online academic support till you pass out your degree.
Whether RITHS guarantee UK Student Visa?
No, we provide you free service and advice to file your visa application to the Embassy. We are an educational institution and our limit of guarantee is only to the quality and recognition of our qualification for direct final year entry to our partner universities only. Visas are at the sole discretion of the British High Commission. If you have sufficient funds and submit all financial documents from recognized Indian Banks, we feel nothing to worry.
NB: 100% visa success in the past is no way a assurance to future students.
Can I contact your alumni students as well as present students?
Sure, you can get contact numbers of our alumni students as well as present students from our office. Better always contact a student studying in the same course of your choice, so he/she will be able to answer your queries.
Whether RITHS Higher Diploma holders require IELTS to enter UK University?
Presently not required. But obtaining admission to RITHS, 12th level English requires 70% or above. The universities also conduct skype interview.
Whether RITHS provide general admission services to foreign Universities like agents?
Yes to quality students, limited to our partner foreign Universities. Such services are free of charge.
Whether RITHS Qualifications are easy to pass?
Yes, if you are thorough with the subject. Our teaching methodology is different and interesting, it is primarily assignment based. You will feel great difference from the Indian way of teaching. RITHS have student based learning techniques, is the common learning principle of UK and foreign universities.
Whether RITHS give tuition fee discounts for the meritorious students?
RITHS tuition fees are the lowest in India. Even though, RITHS provide scholarships to meritorious students.
From where I will get RITHS Syllabus?
RITHS syllabus is available online. Please check the webpage of RITHS Higher Diploma, subject, you will see a link to the concerned Syllabus.
From where I will get RITHS Assignments?
Assignments are available to our students. RITHS assignments will change every month, and may not be repeated. So getting an old assignment will not be of any help.
What is ‘Twinning’ program?
The student study first part towards his Degree in an Indian institution and study final part in the awarding University, this collaborative program is called ” Twinning Program”. The students pursue the first three years of a Engineering degree program at RITHS, and the final year in the U.K. First 3years of study in India is certified by RITHS and the academic credit is transferred to the foreign University for studying final year. Student get full degree and transcripts from the foreign university.
Why Twinning Course?
Education in a traditional Indian environment combined with the latest Educational Technology of developed countries.
• Substantial cost savings: Obtaining an engineering degree or management degree by spending only One year study abroad.
• Flexibility in choosing and changing the Engineering subjects, which is not possible in India.
• Wide range of Engineering branches to choose from, many of which are not offered at any institute in India.
• Opportunity to learn in two different cultural environments, and thus become a well groomed professional.
• Opportunity to pursue Master’s degree programs or PhD at universities abroad.
• Opportunity for paid internship training and job placements.